Even These Stones
Even these stones, He said,
even these stones will start to shout
if the people’s song gives out.
Even these stones,
and by that He meant
the whole lot of them–
rent and hewn and stacked and sewn
into the Jerusalem eastern wall.
Every one of these chosen stones
will all shake awake from sleep
and call out this raspy rhapsody:
“Our cornerstone is passing by!”
This they will shout with no one
understanding even a single word.
Deaf to learn, left alone,
no one seeing the cornerstone
turning the corner of no return.
And of it what then?
A ruinous mob. A crucifixion.
A midday darkness. A dystopian vision
of a Roman siege that would not leave
one of these stones on top of another–
to be smothered in piles,
scattered upon the desolate hill,
testament to the coming ages
of the thoroughly conquered–
but murmuring still cryptic phrases:
“Destroy this Temple.
Tear our walls down limb from limb.
Three days time He will rebuild it.
Three days we will rise again.”