A Chiasm in Five
Loud shudder. A shaking. Gut-drop dread
rakes the space with shelf-spill and thrashing.
A threshing, sifting through a sieve
to a settling reprieve.
Placid surface.
Ripples radiate outward.
White-capped waves overturn tumble
in lines of thunderous churning tidal release.
This chiastic poem begins with the experience of a sudden violent earthquake and moves toward the peace of the aftermath, and then moves onward again from still water to the wild chaos of the wave-pounding surf. The aim of the poem is to give the reader a sensation of peace in between these two imagined experiences of turbulence, and to try and do so in very short order.
The chiastic paired line are as follows (for easy comparison):
5A: Loud shudder. A shaking. Gut-drop dread
5B: in lines of thunderous churning tidal release.
4A: rakes the space with shelf-spill and thrashing.
4B: White-capped waves overturn tumble
3A: A threshing, sifting through a sieve
3B: Ripples radiate outward.
2A: to a settling reprieve.
2B: Placid surface.
Center: Peace.